Architectural Resources Group

Architectural Resources Group (or ARG; also known as Architects, Planners & Conservators, Inc.) is a firm founded in 1980 by Bruce Judd and Steve Farneth in San Francisco. It began by providing professional services in the fields of architecture and urban planning with particular expertise in the area of historic preservation. By 2005, the firm had expanded to a full-service architecture firm with 50 employees, opened an office in Pasadena serving Southern California, and founded a separate conservation-contracting division, ARG Conservation Services.


About the firm

Because of the complex range of issues common to preservation projects, the firm associates with consultants in diverse fields such as architectural history, preservation technology, building pathology, building materials, engineering, real estate, and economics. By assembling a team of specialists across several different disciplines, ARG approaches problems from a wide perspective, enabling implementation of more creative, cost effective, and comprehensive solutions.

ARG was among the first architecture firms in the United States to include architectural conservators as staff members. This resource allows the firm to focus on the science of preserving architecture and its historic fabric. Close integration of architectural conservators, preservation architects, and architectural historians is claimed to provide clients with superior design services, providing truly sustainable solutions to built heritage.[1] ARG has since provided a range of services for various National Historic Landmarks, buildings listed on the National Historic Register, historic districts, and other culturally significant sites.

The firm and its projects have received over 100 awards in design excellence, conservation, and planning, including those sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the American Institute of Architects, the California Governor’s Office, and the California Preservation Foundation. In 2006, ARG received the Firm of the Year Award from the AIA California Council. The firm also retains close alliances and involvement with preservation policy and advocacy organizations, such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation, ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO, the Association for Preservation Technology International, and the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Firm members have also given numerous public lectures, discussing a wide range of topics pertaining to cultural heritage.

Major Projects

Architecture & Cultural Resource Preservation


Historic Structure Reports

Design Guidelines & Historic Resource Surveys


“Flowers for San Francisco: Conserving San Francisco’s Conservatory of Flowers was no easy task. Architectural Resources Group of San Francisco led the $25 million, eight-year rehabilitation.” Traditional Building, October 2005

“Giving Old Buildings a Reason to Live: Using the latest high-tech tools, preservation architects find the right balance between celebrating a building’s treasured history and allowing it to live on into the future.” Architectural Record, March 2005

“Seismic Upgrade for Frank Lloyd Wright’s 1937 Hanna House at Stanford University: Materials research and development promise an earthquake-resistant future.” Architectural Record, Tech Briefs, November 2000

“Earthquake-Proofing Polk: Installing steel and concrete reinforcements within the walls invisibly upgrades the seismic strength of the Filoli mansion.” Architecture, December 1995

“Drinking Lessons: The Rudd Center for Wine Education in St. Helena, Calif., by ARG, is the ideal environment for a glass of wine.” Contract, August 2004.

“In Concert: A historic interior, acoustical relevance, and ARG make beautiful music together in Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.’s Sunset Center.” Contract, March 2004

“Reborn at Last: The revitalization of the former University High School in Oakland for the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute.” Contract

“Not So Radical: In accord with a national trend toward town-gown détente, a contentious conflict on the edge of Berkeley’s campus ends with an architecturally conservative solution.” Preservation, January/February 2003.

“A New Yet Familiar Neighbor: Goldman School of Public Policy UC Berkeley by Architectural Resources Group. A new annex becomes a hands-on experience in preservation and urban design policy.” ArchNewsNow, January 2003.

“Faith Lift: The restoration at the San Francisco Theological Seminary has given the campus its heart and revived two architectural icons to their original glory.” Facilities Design & Management, June 2002.

“A Conservatory Reborn: After falling prey to one of the most violent storms in California history, San Francisco’s Conservatory of Flowers blooms again.” World Monuments ICON, Summer 2003.

External links


  1. ^ Farneth, Stephen J. and Wessel, David P., “The Roles of an Architectural Conservator in an Architectural Preservation Firm,” Standards for Preservation and Rehabilitation, edited by Stephen J. Kelley, published by ASTM 1996